Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the experiment

Lets go about this differently, I suggested after we had gone home for the rest of our summer. I was talking with Aaron on facebook and was sick of people getting to know me and then learning something about me and deciding that because of one bit of my past, they didn't want to be around me any more. So the idea struck me, if I lay out all of my issues and past ahead of time, I can avoid the pain later.

So it started. "Aaron, I'm gonna lay it all out for you now, once you hear what I have to say, I will give you the choice to walk away, unfriend me on facebook, and never talk to me again."

I started at the beginning and, no matter how hard it was, I told him everything. things that other friends didn't know. I told him.

He stared with the 'I'm sorry's ' and I told him, not to feel sorry for me, just understand what I have been through. He then said 'marshmallow' that became our word for sorry.

After I finished he said to me, "why would I think any less of you for what you have been though, of coarse I will still be your friend." at this point it was 3 am and we both signed off.

The next night he opened up to me, about everything, and he gave me the same option. I accepted him wholeheartedly and we were friends from then on, talking every day for the rest of vacation.